Introducing The Newly Refurbished Founders Camp

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” ~ Maya Angelou

This sentiment has rung true for us as we have explored #TheLondoloziEffect shared with us by so many of our guests. Perhaps another expression of the Londolozi Effect is in the feeling of our newly refurbished Founders Camp – one of our signature camps with a fresh look but a completely familiar feel. Londolozi is a place where, like binary rings of a tree, the founders – and each person thereafter – have served and left their mark. Over the years the ripple effect created by Londolozi’s alumni has spread our ethos far and wide across the African continent, and beyond. Founders Camp honours these wild, early beginnings – past guests and staff who have contributed to building Londolozi. It is their efforts that has distilled the legacy of the past 50 years into the creation of the essence of safari spirit. Classy, grounded and timeless – Londolozi’s Founders Camp represents a safari style that is inviting and restful.

Corundum Tours can handle all your travel arrangements for an effortless travel experience.
Contact Corundum Tours at +2711 622 0964 or send your email to