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Power interruptions won’t interrupt a De Hoop getaway.

Dine by Candlelight or Starlight at De Hoop
Even power interruptions won’t interrupt a De Hoop getaway.

Load shedding (the term used when electricity is unavailable for certain amounts of time in South Africa) may be back on, but De Hoop Collection certainly won’t leave guests in the dark when it comes to their getaway experience.

Did you know that our Fig Tree Restaurant runs independent of the power grid. This means we continue to deliver breakfasts, lunches and dinner 7/days a week. Guests can dine by romantic candlelight in the evenings and take in the serene atmosphere of our reserve while we take care of their dinner, wine selection and of course, Chef Marcia’s latest dessert. Daytime diners can still enjoy all our menu items, coffees and cakes without watching the clock.

Guests in De Hoop cottages or houses can light a fire and have a BBQ or South African “braai” beneath the stars without relying on power. Our self-catering accommodation is equipped with BBQ grids and utensils, and wood can be purchased from the small onsite gift shop, or en-route to the reserve along with meat and accompaniments.

Picnics can be pre-booked should guests wish to take a day trip to explore the beach or dine alongside the vlei for an afternoon of bird watching.

Our accommodations are equipped with hurricane lamps and candles, and we always suggest guests bring along a torch for evening walks to and from their accommodation (some units are equipped with fireplaces please enquire when booking).

Reminder: Price Freeze for Winter 2020
Plan ahead for winter 2020 and take advantage of our Winter Price Freeze. Our Winter Special Prices have been Frozen for 2020

Valid May to July 2020

Yours in travel,



Corundum Tours