The ‘New’ MalaMala Camp
We continue to make excellent progress with the MalaMala re-imagination and Phase 3 of the project was completed on-time on 15 July 2018. This includes the MalaMala Camp central area (dining room, bar, lounge and deck) and rooms 1 – 8.
To whet your appetite, we have included a few “unofficial” images of the new MalaMala Camp. These are not professional photographs but nevertheless provide a good insight into the look and feel of the new camp. As with Sable Camp, we believe our design team, Michele Throssell Interiors, has done an outstanding job of maintaining the distinctly African character of MalaMala Camp while at the same time introducing a more contemporary edge. We love the earthy colours and bush feel of the camp and, most importantly, believe MalaMala has preserved its soul and identity.
MalaMala Camp Lounge
MalaMala Camp Lounge
MalaMala Camp Dining Room
MalaMala Camp Bar
MalaMala Camp Bar
MalaMala Camp Suite
MalaMala Camp Bathroom
The re-imagination is now 90% complete. There will be no activity for the next two months over the peak season period and the final phase (Rooms 23 – 27) will start on 1 October and finish on 15 December 2018.
Finally, we could not have undertaken this project without the ongoing support of our valued partners. THANK YOU!
‘New’ Camp Names
In keeping with the re-imagination and recent rebranding of MalaMala, we have made some subtle changes to the names of our three camps. The new names are:
* MalaMala Rattrays Camp
* MalaMala Sable Camp
* MalaMala Camp (previously “Main Camp”)
The only significant change is the renaming of Main Camp as MalaMala Camp.