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Wild Horizons Responsible Tourism Update – November 2019

An essence of purpose and positivity radiates from within Wild Horizons, inspiring our efforts to make a difference and find innovative ways to protect the environment. Sustainable Travel has become one of the most popular phrases of the decade, but it has been part of our vocabulary since we first began operating in Victoria Falls. It shapes our vision to tread lightly on the earth and empower fellow travellers to do the same. It has set the tone for our plastic-free initiative, and we are excited to share our success and aspirations with you.

Plastic bottles are used for minutes  yet are with us for centuries, which is why they have been a target in our long-term conservation objectives. Single-use plastic water bottles were once seen as a safari essential, but we are creating a new normal that eradicates these non-biodegradable items from all our operations. We started tackling the problem by gifting every lodge guest with a reusable glass water bottle that they are encouraged to take with as they continue their travels or return home. It has been an astounding success and as from  June of this year, no plastic bottles were used in Old Drift Lodge, The Elephant Camp or Imbabala. We then turned our attention to Tours and Transfers and began exploring options to reduce bottled water without adversely impacting our guest experience.

We have taken an essential step in reaching this key objective by phasing out plastic bottled water on our Zimbabwe transfers. Instead, fresh water will be provided in sealed glass bottles that can be recycled and refilled. Protecting the environment is an inherent part of living and doing business in Africa, and we need to evolve with the changing contexts. Removing plastic bottled water form our transfers was the next logical step in meeting our goal of becoming a plastic-free company.

Rome was not built in a day, and Eden will not be restored overnight. But through small acts of kindness to the planet, we will create a shift in the hearts and minds of people who travel to Victoria Falls so that they are empowered and encouraged to visit mindfully and gently.

Thank you for supporting and sharing this journey with us.

Kind regards
The Wild Horizons Team



Corundum Tours